Training courses from accounting and finance to operations and administration and then marketing and sales. These courses are in development and designed to help teachers and students alike define the best procedures and contents to help educate the world on how to use technology to improve their work and personal lives and become more productive.

Engaging with Prospects and Customers while they are at your website is one of the best ways to increase sales to get new clients as well as provide great customer service to existing clients.

Many businesses use Microsoft Outlook and a server like Microsoft Exchange Server to manage all their emails on a server in their office. G Suite uses the power of Google's Gmail to manage your business / corporate email server so staff and contractors can access their email on any device as well as calendars, tasks for a low monthly cost.

Many people use an IT support company to get their business domain name onto these services but it's something that IT savvy business owners can do themselves. We show you how.

PayPal is one of the most successful Fintech companies because they enabled people to transfer money using only an email address. Since then they have enabled small businesses to accept money for credit card payments using technology that is easy to use and low cost.

Most recently they have entered the cashflow funding world where they'll lend money based on your historical sales and enable you to repay the loan by paying a percentage of each sale you make.

Content marketing is about generating useful and information information that your potential customers would find interested with the goal that you can demonstrate that you are helpful and good enough to share the information and experiences you have to help them. The ultimate goal is that when they decide that they want to pay someone to do the work for them that they'll choose you